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Thursday, June 25, 2009

ok sorry non-members BUT....

my mom wanted to pay for the membership now and she said if she didn't pay for it now i wouldn't get it at all, so she payed for it. I'm a member again. Don't worry non-members. We'll party like Non-members still at my party this weekend (which is saturday @ 1pst, ice shelf cove, wear non-member clothes) but as a Member i can post all the member cheats now and i won't miss a thing! sorry about that non-members. That was a pretty depressing 2 hours when i was a non-member so please non-members work your hardest to get my 6 month membership in the summer long contest to just be awesome! lol i strongly respect non-members now though, for putting up with all this member only stuff! Which is why we will have such an awesome non-member party! and we will attack all members (except me and other member friends of clubpenguingang, and happywagon)! YEA!


  1. Lol! Wasn't it nice being a non-member for 2 hours, hehe :-P

    -Matthew722 (HICB MOD)

  2. Hey happywagon, u sud start making pages, it wud make ur blgo cooler ;-)
    BTW, a lot of MODS aren't commenting anymore :-S How come?

    -Matthew722 (HICB MOD)

  3. we must sulute the non-members by throwing them a non-member only party.thats what cp should do.

  4. Random Matthew722 said...

    Hey happywagon, u sud start making pages, it wud make ur blgo cooler ;-)
    BTW, a lot of MODS aren't commenting anymore :-S How come?

    -Matthew722 (HICB MOD)

    Cough Cough ahem! And Blogger won't let you make pages, so you pretty much need a new site, Doesn't that stink!

    -Tboyman(HICB MOD)

  5. lol... I no wat it's like to be a non member... :(. It's very sad. But I respect non members just like I respect members. But to tell u the truth... non members are way awesome!

    -Cearch (HICB)

  6. its ok happy :) lol

    -Rrblack (hicb mod)


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