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Thursday, June 4, 2009

new pin!

Note: The unidentified glitch is occuring. so be patient while cp fixes it.

THE NEW PIN IS A safari hat pin!
It can be found in the Book Room! on the red couch

To get the new pin

click on the map in the lower left hand corner and go to the town. Once in the town go into the cofee shop then up the stairs. Once in the book room, go over to the red couch with the hat on it. Then this will pop up

Click yes to receive the safari hat pin.


  1. Lol, it stinks bcz it's underfined...

    Rock on!!

    Oh, and BTW, I posted an ad on my site (cpcheatshelps.blogspot.com

    -Matthew722 (HICB MOD)

  2. Lol! I just noticed in the pic, ur penguin name is Sparkleforever!! But it isn't rlly u, lol :-P

    Rock on!!

    -Matthew722 (HICB MOD)

  3. Of couse! A safari hat... for the Adventure Party... it sud of been a donut hat, lol :-)

    Rock on!!

    -Matthew722 (HICB MOD)

  4. Why is it Sparkforver,instead of u?

    -Azzy Bazzy(HICB MOD)

  5. Anonymous said...

    Why is it Sparkforver,instead of u?

    -Azzy Bazzy(HICB MOD)
    Lol that isn't him there is no circle and Spark probably got there first, lol spark!

    -Tboyman(HICB MOD)

  6. Is sparkforever your secret penguin....

    -CoolKid (HICB MOD)


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