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Thursday, August 13, 2009


The new pin is out! It's the Sandcastle Pin! you can get it at the Mine .

To get to the Mine . Click on the map in the lower left hand corner of the screen and click on the Mine Shack. Once at the Mine shack go into the mine shack and then walk over to the right side to the enterance of the under ground pool. and walk over to the sand castle on the wall. then a blue box will pop up asking you if you want the sand castle pin. CLICK YES! Now you have the Sand Castle Pin.


  1. Lol this has nothing to do with party. Should be an airplane pin

  2. It is an odd time for a Sand Castle pin, but lol
    -Tboyman(HICB MOD)

  3. Tboyman said...
    It is an odd time for a Sand Castle pin, but lol
    -Tboyman(HICB MOD)


    The new pin is too cute but ur right Tboyman. It is really an odd to have it this late in the summer.

    -Cearch (HICB)


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