Head Count For all people who visited the site.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hey everyone! DID YOU MISS ME!

i'm back! most of you are probably thinking from where? well i secretly did a 30 hour famine (when you don't eat 4 30 hours) with a youth group i am part of and i got so hungry! i went from 9 a.m. yesterday morning to 3 p.m. today without eating, and i could only drink kool-aid (for sugar, calories and carbs) and water. I did it! then i ordered a large cheese pizza once the 30 hours were up and i ate the whole thing. I'm still hungry. Would you ever be able to go that long without food?

Also, Redsoxgirl72 no longer really counts as a mod, or a normal person, she is just an author, so any comments she makes are author comments. That last post that she made about rick roll's music video (lol she texted me and told me about mimo's site having some lame music video, and i didnt think it was anything, but i can't believe it was rick roll! he's so funny! lol!) anyways so for that last post, stickie408 gets the point because he commented even before redsoxgirl72 which made him the first commenter.

:) ROck on everyone! mimo chat is back but i have a feeling mimo put it up for testing, then he will fix any bugs.


Post 15 of 25 (more then half way there!)

P.S. I do not think it was funny that someone hacked mimo's blog, but i do think rick roll's music video is pretty funny.


  1. yay w00t hehe i get the point how are you happy i miss mimo chat...


  2. got it! that's good, i would rather be an author anyway!


  3. Kool, kool aid!

    -Tboyman(HICB MOD)


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